Asbestos Symptoms

Asbestos Symptoms

Asbestos Symptoms - Asbestos related illnesses have become very common in today’s world. Asbestos has been used for many construction projects for decades, and both those who worked in the construction industry and those who lived or worked in buildings built with asbestos may have been exposed. For many types of asbestos related illnesses, the symptoms do not actually appear for a long time after the exposure has ended. Mesothelioma, in particular, has been known to lie dormant for up to 40 years after a person’s exposure to asbestos ends. If you’ve worked or lived around heavy asbestos in the past, then it can really be helpful to understand the asbestos symptoms caused by asbestos related diseases. There are a few different types of these diseases, so the asbestos symptoms may be different for each type.

Mesothelioma is a cancer that, 90% of the time, is cause by exposure to asbestos. This disease can be tricky, because not all of its asbestos symptoms always present simultaneously, and they tend to resemble the symptoms of less serious illnesses. In addition, since mesothelioma can form in the lining around the heart, lungs, or the abdomen, the asbestos symptoms are often somewhat different for each. However, mesothelioma is an extremely deadly disease with an almost universally bad prognosis, so early detection is crucial for increasing life expectancy. Symptoms of mesothelioma in the lungs include: shortness of breath, pains in the chest, lasting coughs, fatigue, and lumps on the chest. For mesothelioma around the heart, symptoms may include palpitations or other heartbeat irregularities, night sweats, chest pain, and breathing problems. Finally, asbestos symptoms of abdominal mesothelioma include pain and swelling of the abdomen, nausea, weight loss, and bowel problems.

Another common disease caused by asbestos is called a asbestosis. This disease affects the lungs and makes a person far more susceptible to developing certain types of lung cancer. The asbestos symptoms associated with asbestosis generally include shortness of breath and feelings of exertion. The breathing problems start off as minor, but grow continually worse. In the most advanced stages, this disease can result in respiratory failure.

If you or someone you know is experiencing any of these symptoms, then a doctor should be contacted immediately. Even if there has been no known history of exposure to asbestos, there is a possibility of mesothelioma. Even if the symptoms are not indicative of one of these diseases, they are serious enough that they should be checked out.

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