Mesothelioma Deaths

Mesothelioma Deaths

Mesothelioma Deaths - The leading cause for mesothelioma, and as a result, many mesothelioma deaths, is exposure to asbestos in the workplace. There are a number of industries that manufactured products containing asbestos or relied on equipment or facilities that contained asbestos material. There are a number of industries that experience a higher than normal number of deaths of employees as a result of mesothelioma. The statistics below are from 1999, and touch on mesothelioma deaths that occurred as a
result of asbestos exposure. The statistics come from the National Center for Health Statistics.

  • The highest number of mesothelioma deaths was experienced by the construction industry, with a total of 14.2 percent of all mesothelioma deaths occurring in this field of work.
  • The next largest number of mesothelioma deaths was experienced by the home workers industry, with a total of 7.0 percent of all mesothelioma deaths occurring in this field of work.
  • The next largest number of mesothelioma deaths was experienced by elementary and secondary school teachers, with a total of 3.7 percent of all mesothelioma deaths occurring in this field of work.
  • The next largest number of mesothelioma deaths was experienced by industrial and miscellaneous chemicals workers, with a total of 3.5 percent of all mesothelioma deaths occurring in this field of work.
  • The next largest number of mesothelioma deaths was experienced by workers performing general government work, with a total of 2.4 percent of all mesothelioma deaths occurring in this field of work.
  • The next largest number of mesothelioma deaths was experienced by the agriculture industry, with a total of 1.9 percent of all mesothelioma deaths occurring in this field of work.
  • The next largest number of mesothelioma deaths was experienced by the manufacturing industry, with a total of 1.9 percent of all mesothelioma deaths occurring in this field of work.
  • The next largest number of mesothelioma deaths was experienced by the electric light and power industry, with a total of 1.9 percent of all mesothelioma deaths occurring in this field of work.
  • The next largest number of mesothelioma deaths was experienced by the railroad industry, with a total of 1.7 percent of all mesothelioma deaths occurring in this field of work.
  • The next largest number of mesothelioma deaths was experienced by the medical industry, with a total of 1.7 percent of all mesothelioma deaths occurring in this field of work.
  • Unreported industries accounted for a total of 4.3 percent of all mesothelioma deaths.
  • All other jobs and industries combined account for the remaining 56 percent of mesothelioma deaths.

All of these occupations carry a very high risk of getting mesothelioma as a result of asbestos exposure, meaning that working in any of these industries means that you may experience a mesothelioma related death.

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