Mesothelioma Death Rate

Mesothelioma Death Rate - Between 1999 and 2005 the mesothelioma death rate in the United States, according to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), was almost 18100 individuals. In 1999, there were 2,482 deaths from malignant mesothelioma. However, in 2005, 2,704 people died from this disease, an indication that people who had once been repeatedly exposed to asbestos 20, 30 or 40 years ago were now discovering the terrible effects of this toxic fibrous material.

Because men dominated the workforce in manufacturing and industry during the time asbestos was commonly used in products and military equipment, more men are diagnosed with mesothelioma than women. In fact, the CDC states that men make up 80 percent of mesothelioma deaths, with most of these men at least 75 years of age or older. Only 1.7 percent of the individuals dying of mesothelioma are 44 years or younger.

The majority of people dying of mesothelioma between 1999 and 2005 lived in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Montana, Colorado, Washington, Oregon, West Virginia and New York. The death rate was highest in Maine, with a 27.5 percent, with the lowest being Washington at 20.1 percent. Before the 1980s, asbestos was utilized in numerous processes and building applications, such as paper mills, steel mills, gas and chemical plants and shipyards. This explains why high rates of mesothelioma deaths occurred in Maine, Oregon and New York State. In addition, paper and steel mills were once plentiful in Wisconsin, West Virginia and Colorado.

Death rates from asbestos-caused mesothelioma will continue to rise due to the aging of the population who had once been exposed to asbestos. Since there is no cure yet for this type of lung cancer, individuals diagnosed with mesothelioma usually live up to five years or less even with treatment, which consists of radiation therapy, chemotherapy or surgery. One treatment is generally not enough to alleviate symptoms and effectively inhibit the disease, so most people with mesothelioma engage in two or more therapies.

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